BTXF Texturized Device Carrier Products

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VERTEC® Textured Device Carrier (BTXF Series)

Gel-Pak’s BTXF products are ideal for use as a universal carrier for device handling and transport applications. Based on our proprietary Vertec® material, these carriers use non-adhesive properties of a micro-textured elastomer to hold components in place. Ideal for:

  • Universal handling solution.
  • Devices that are handled both by hand and with automated equipment.
  • Multiple device sizes (no pockets) in same carrier.
BTXF Sizes 2”, 4”, JEDEC Standard Tray
Elastomer Proprietary White Vertec® TPE
Device Sizes >800 µm
Tray Configurations 2”, 4”, and JEDEC Black Conductive (Can also be purchased as a film)
Surface Resistance For EUL, EL: < 1010 (ohms) For M, H: > 1012 (ohms)
Shipping/Storage Temperature -10 to +50˚ C
Tack Levels High (H), Medium (M), low (EL), Ultra-Low (EUL)

Gel-Pak BTXF carriers are an ideal universal fixture for device processing and transport in both manual and automated applications.

  • Die Sort
  • Semiconductor Test Fixture
  • Component Kitting
  • Internal Handling during Processing

BTXF Part Number Catalog

Part Number Description Print
BTXF-W-22CT-02-n 4″ x 4″ Conductive Tray w/ Transparent Hinged Box H, M, EL, EUL
BTXF-W-22CC-02-n 4″ x 4″ Conductive BTXF Tray in Conductive Hinged Box H, M, EL, EUL
BTXF-W-22CCT-02-n 2” x 2” Conductive BTXF Tray in Conductive Base/Transparent Lid Hinged Box H, M, EL, EUL
BTXF-W-22CAS-02-n 2” x 2” Conductive BTXF Tray in Antistatic Hinged Box H, M, EL, EUL
BTXF-W-22CCAS-02-n 2” x 2” Conductive BTXF Tray in Conductive Base/Antistatic Lid Hinged Box H, M, EL, EUL
BTXF-W-22CT-00B-n 2” x 2” Conductive BTXF Tray w/ Transparent Lid H, M, EL, EUL
BTXF-W-22CC-00B-n 2” x 2” Conductive BTXF Tray w/ Conductive Lid H, M, EL, EUL
BTXF-W-22CAS-00B-n 2” x 2” Conductive BTXF Tray w/ Antistatic Lid H, M, EL, EUL
BTXF-W-22CC-00A-n 2” x 2” Conductive BTXF Tray w/ “High Clearance” Conductive Lid H, M, EL, EUL
BTXF-W-44CT-00B-n 4″ x 4″ Conductive Tray w/ Transparent Hinged Box H, M, EL, EUL
BTXF-W-44CC-00B-n 4″ x 4″ Conductive BTXF Tray in Conductive Hinged Box H, M, EL, EUL
BTXF-W-44CAS-00B-n 4″ x 4 ” Conductive BTXF Tray w/ Antistatic Lid H, M, EL, EUL
BTXF-W-MT-RH5-n 12.4” x 5.35” BTXF JEDEC Tray H, M, EL, EUL

Please visit Cleanroom Tape for additional information.

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