Calculate Number of Devicesper Gel-Pak Carrier ☰ Quick Links × Quick Links E-Store Request Quote Request Sample Contact Technical Support Product Selection Wizard Calculate Number Of Devices/Carrier Gel-Pak Brochure This program calculates the number of devices that can be loaded on specified Gel-Pak product based on your device dimensions and required spacing (street size). Simply enter the device dimensions and desired spacing, select the appropriate Gel-Pak product type and the results are computed. All Fields Required 1.- Device Shape and Dimensions What is the shape of the device? Square/Rectangle Round Define Measurement Units mils inches mm mils * mils * mils * mils * mils * OD (diameter) mils * z (thickness) mils * X-Device Spacing mils * Y-Device Spacing mils * Generate Reset 2.- Gel-Pak Product Type Which Carrier? Please choose the carrier from the drop-down menuThen click the Calculate Results button Calculate 3.- Results Number of Devices per Carrier Visit our Product Selection Wizard to find the right Gel-Pak for your Application. Visit Now!