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With hundreds of standard variations of the Gel-Pak products available, the easiest way to determine which product is right for your specific application is to use the Product Selection Wizard.

The PSW is designed to work for most device shipping, handling, and storage applications. Simply complete the 5-Step program below to obtain the recommended Gel-Pak part number that meets your requirements.

For special applications that require a non-standard Gel-Pak product, you will be instructed to contact the factory for additional technical support.

Lets get started...

Please enter your contact information

* All fields are required

* All fields are required

Device Information

Device Shape and Dimensions

What is the shape of the device?

Define Measurement Units

Device Material Data (surface in contact with gel)

* All fields are required

Load and Unload Method

Method for loading device onto Gel

Method for unloading device from Gel

* All fields are required

Special Process Requirements for Gel Product?

* All fields are required

Carrier Size and Material

Spacing and Number of Dies

Spacing (x, y) ({{formDimensions.x_spacing}}, {{formDimensions.y_spacing}}) {{formDimensions.units}}

# of dies {{spacingDie.diesCount}} ({{spacingDie.xCount}} x {{spacingDie.yCount}})


Contact Information

First Name {{formData.firstName}}
Last Name {{formData.lastName}}
Company {{formData.company}}
Email {{formData.email}}
Phone {{formData.phone}}
Address {{formData.address}}
City {{formData.city}}
State {{formData.country == 'United States' ? formData.state : ( formData.country == 'Canada' ? formData.province : formData.customState )}}{{userType == 'Rep' ? 'N/A' : ''}}
Country {{formData.country}}
Zip Code {{formData.zipcode}}
Industry {{formData.industry != 'other' ? formData.industry : formData.customIndustry}}

Device Data

Type {{formDeviceType.deviceType}}
Shape {{formDimensions.shape != 'other' ? formDimensions.shapeName : formDeviceType.customShape}}
X OD (diameter) {{formDimensions.x}} {{formDimensions.units}}
Y {{formDimensions.y}} {{formDimensions.units}}
Z (Thickness) {{formDimensions.z}} {{formDimensions.units}}
X-Device Spacing {{formDimensions.x_spacing}} {{formDimensions.units}}
Y-Device Spacing {{formDimensions.y_spacing}} {{formDimensions.units}}
Number of Devices per Carrier {{spacingDie.diesCount}} ({{spacingDie.xCount}} x {{spacingDie.yCount}})
Surface Roughness {{formDeviceType.surfaceName}}
Backside Coating {{formDeviceType.backside}}

Application Data

Special Process {{formLuSp.specialProcess != 'sp_other' ? formLuSp.specialProcessName : formLuSp.customSpecialProcess}}
Load Method {{formLuSp.loadingName}}
Unload Method {{formLuSp.unloadingName}}

Gel-Pak's experienced technical support staff is available to answer your questions related to products or associated applications.

Contact Us!